II Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia

II Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia
- September 13-15, 2018
- St. Petersburg, "EXPOFORUM" EC
Description of the event
In St. Petersburg, the second time will be the International Exhibition of Fish Industry, Seafood and Technology (Seafood Expo Russia).
The success of the exhibition in 2017 showed a great interest of companies and the demand for such place among the industry community, which made it possible to make it an annual.
At the International Seafood Expo Russia will present novelties and modern developments from fishing, fish-breeding and processing organizations, shipbuilding enterprises, manufacturers of equipment and related materials, topical services of trade and other companies on the Expoforum space in St. Petersburg. The exposition area grew from 10 to 13 thousand square meters.
A special place will be taken by joint national stands of enterprises from Norway, Denmark, China and other countries. The share of foreign companies representing modern equipment, technologies and services will increase. Thus, guests and Russian exhibitors will be able to get acquainted with the experience of foreign colleagues.
Unique products, new brands and developments will be presented by the largest Russian companies-industry giants and enterprises from different regions. On the site, there will be tastings of original dishes from the king crab and deep-sea gourd, sardine and yawas, various kinds of shrimp, pollock fillets and many other kinds of fish and seafood. On the stylized food court there will be an opportunity not only to have a rest and a snack, but also to discuss working moments in a comfortable atmosphere.
For the business community, academia and representatives of state structures, a business program is being developed - topical issues of the world agenda, representing mutual interest, will be offered for discussion.
The organizer of the event is the sectoral exhibition operator Expo Solutions Group, with the support of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.
To the Exhibitor

Exhibition venue: "EXPOFORUM" EC
St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoye sh 64/1,
How to get to the metro station "Moskovskaya":
Bus № 187a
Fixed-route taxi № К-545, № К-299
Free shuttle buses during exhibitions
Public transport stop at 197 Moskovsky Prospekt
Accommodation service

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